Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween !

On this day I want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween ! Hope you have a great day and don't forget to have some fun ! :o)

see you all soon for another A_Scott_Project update !

Friday 25 October 2013

How to Lead like a great conductor

Hello everybody and welcome back

This week, ever wondered how to consider your effects on your team or rather ... orchestra ! :o)

Check out this inspiring TED talk around this, after first this video starts out as light humor, but in fact if you watch carefully it is really a great comparison of the effects of the leader on the team, the micro manager who is asked to leave by his team, the manager who allows his team some space to be creative and create a beautiful piece which is fun for all involved and listening.  And all the styles in between.

The styles are all there and more, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, its a perfect end to a busy Friday for me and its not too tough on the concentration.  But the underlying message is powerful indeed that I watched it twice :o)

Have a great weekend and see you next week !


Thursday 17 October 2013

How Great Leaders Inspire Action !

Hello All !

I know I have been quiet for a while, I have been busy yes... gathering great material for you all ! :o)

I feel excited too for what I will share from now on with you to inspire others !

For a small period I would like to inspire you to feel more than just a day job effects at whatever you do, not to sell you on a product or an idea, but connect with you.  To try and share the same values of who I believe I am and how I get excited, will hopefully excite you as well and inspire you to also do great things for others and LEAD the way.

To start such a project you need an impact statement, followed by an evolving growth arriving in a crescendo, a golden circle

I want YOUR feedback YOUR comments OR I want to YOU to recommend someone you think should also read what I write to my blog and Twitter feed.

I want YOU to LEAD, I feel I need to share with YOU, things which inspire YOU to think not only about what I write, but for 10 minutes after what I wrote with your own moments for thought changing actions

This is where the "Scott Project" starts and the rest was just a warm up !

To support such an idea here is YOUR first sniff of what's coming, a great video about inspiring YOUR team and other peers and not just asking for support to lead and hoping you manage it along the way. Work from the the inside out, go for the emotion to deliver and drive outwards the actions

watch it, there is much more to come as I feel this stops short of getting the final push across that I want from you all...