Wednesday 5 June 2013

Welcome and my personal leadership values

My personal leadership values and a welcome note.

I had a great motivating weekend in Zurich recently which taught me alot about adding the value to lives of others.  It finally has pushed me to get all my thoughts down for my great followers online! J

I want to share my experiences as a leader within a multinational company, living in a different country from my own and also hearing feedback and information from others as well to enrich the experience more and learn new things from others (I’m not a Guru – yet! J )

But back to the start – I have been a manager for 3.5 years, I started managing 1 country in customer services, which progressed to two countries in customer services, after my initial success and now to a third team, sales administration with employees working from home and in the office all with very unique ways of working between the very separate teams.

I regularly met and exceed KPI (Key Performance Indicator) targets, although at the start with each team it was not always like this-that was a long tough and challenging road, believe me.  In Customer Services if you make a mistake, you are on the sharp end of the result normally, so with a team making mistakes that is magnified horrifically. However from my experiences I have designed and development KPI’s myself for all of the European, Middle East, Russia & Africa Customer Services supporting them regions.

I have kept to my values from the start and have been criticised and also praised for my progress.  I learn from my mistakes, but still making mistakes is not always seen as a good thing in my company.  But I feel it has benefited me to become one of the best now in my area.

My top 5 values are:

  1. Team First - I’m only the conduit of their work
  2. Delegation - in the right dosage to a health team
  3. Honesty and integrity – privately and publicly for the team members and also the external organisation
  4. Analyse, correct and COMMUNICATE – learning from the mistakes of the past and making them a learning experience not a punishment
  5. Thinking outside the box – if you can’t win in the current systems, is the system possible to achieve?

I want to go into each in a separate post and expand, so you know me better and I can get feedback from you.  Along the way I would like to also provide you with several resources I have used over the time, free from me and my studies and also recommendations of things I have brought which I hope you can enjoy too!

I have been lucky enough to be able to afford to attend an MBA – Master of Business Administration, in my personal time and learn and grow more-it’s still in progress but I’m close to the end.  I was not sponsored by my company but I have enjoyed the benefits in my knowledge and there are something’s I would like to share with you some great ideas I had from that.

Until the next update, enjoy the rest of your day! J


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