Tuesday 25 June 2013

Topic of the week: Delegation

Hello and welcome back !

So today we will carry on the hot topic of the week: delegation

As promised yesterday, we should look at what to delegate now you have the basics of how to do it.

I wanted to start with the easy parts and get more complex to help you as you evolve.  I have found this nice flow chart which is a good start to figuring out what you want to do with you tasks, however its not everything you should consider and is a little bit brief for my liking but its a start to your decision tree:

To get more out of this and feel comfortable in proceeding we need to consider some pointers.

Things that are NOT recommended to delegate:

  1. Hiring Employees
  2. Firing Employees
  3. Performance Reviews of your employees
  4. Pay and company benefits (confidential information)
  5. Policy Violations like dress code, absenteeism etc
Post delegation ideas:
  • Encourage the inputs and energies provided by the team member and give feedback on the outcome if it was successful
  • Plan follow on's for repeated tasks or additional training for more supportive tasks the main ones.
  • Rotate the tasks if you are lucky enough to have a bigger team, so that holidays can be covered better and more people can support you.
Examples of delegation tasks (there are many more so take time to see you only you should really do this?):

  • Regular reporting (including calculating monthly costs on a project, finding orders for regular audits, financial sales calculations etc.)
  • Scheduling your calendar or meetings is popular with people important enough to have a secretary or an employee they consider close to that role
  • IT developments (building the persons skills in this area I found to be most valuable to upgrading your systems and their functionality through testing and communication) - obviously a little more training would be key to making this a success
  • Stock forecasting of items to make sure you always have enough supply for your customers
  • Encouraging them to reply on your behalf is good to improve their communication skills and allows you to reply "yes i agree with points 1-5..." and show support within the team

Stay tuned for more soon on getting the employee more comfortable, freedom and control on the tasks at hand without them feeling like you are in reality micro managing their every move.

Take care until then ! 

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