Sunday 9 June 2013

Focus of the Week: Communications

Hello and welcome back - introducing the hot topic of the week!

This week I want to look at how important communications can be.  You may think (as you read the start), this is only for non native speakers... THAT'S NOT TRUE

It will help with reduced returned questions from our original emails an letters, help you cut out the waffle and get straight to the point.  Its also for all people, new or old in their roles, native English speaking or not.  I'm obviously a native English speaker, but the material I will share this week helped me more than I could have ever guessed... its from my MBA course, Management Communications subject, a 6 week course which I will break down for you here.

What I'm going to do is break it down into pieces across the week, I'm also going to state the obvious so that everyone is on the right tracks and clear about the full picture.

For instance it might sound obvious, but how many of you actually implement this next point?

Start you communication with a hello and an introduction, a middle (the meat of the reply) and then end with thanks, closure and contact details.

Most of us just jump straight into the replying part, sometimes there are several subjects and your introduction should clarify which you will start with and carry onto etc.

more to come tomorrow...

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